New Year, New You?

I decided to check my Google photos from January of this year and the first week had a ton of snow pictures. We haven’t had any snow here yet, so looking forward to getting some in 2022 for winter. I don’t want to jinx things and say we’ve had a mild winter, but it’s been pretty nice so far. No intense weather yet.

So what are your traditions for the New Year?

We have the kiddo for New Years’ Eve. I’m hoping/planning to take her back to the Japanese place along with my SO for a delicious meal. It involves going into the city on a busy day, so my SO is skeptical, but I’ve honestly been looking forward to it. My stepdaughter is hoping to ring in the new year. She’s done it in the past, but staying awake can be really hard for her sometimes.

Tomorrow we’ve got the typical Southern meal planned by my MIL. Black-eyed peas symbolize coins or wealth. Collard greens to resemble money, specifically folding money. Leafy green veggies to ensure good fortune for the coming year. Fried hog’s jowl (pork) is considered a sign of prosperity because pigs root forward. And cornbread might symbolize gold because corn kernels represent coins. It’s essential with black-eyed peas and greens. Triple your luck!

But concerning today, I’m dreaming of sushi and some Japanese treats.

I’ve also reflected a bit on the past year.

Me at the beginning of 2021~! Versus me at the end. I had a nice haircut right before my Christmas trip. All gone. So much lighter. New glasses thanks to some help from a few local organizations. I know it’s the “normal” resolution for the new year, but hopefully planning to take care of my health in 2022. Working out more. Eating better. Training hard in karate. Working on my photography some more. And working on the blog is definitely at the top of my list.

I’m hitting a manic phase right now so concentration hasn’t been the best. I hope that everyone has a good New Years’ Eve. See you in 2022~! Stay safe and have fun.

Published by Erin Seto

Southern Peach ๐Ÿ‘, in her 30โ€™s - Artist ๐ŸŽจ + Bibliophile ๐Ÿ“š + Geek ๐ŸŽฎ + Nerd ๐Ÿ‘“ + Animal-Lover ๐Ÿพ + Bipolar Disorder ๐Ÿ’ข x Anxiety ๐Ÿ˜จ x PTSD ๐Ÿ’ฃรท DBT Therapy โœจ + Mental Health Matters ๐Ÿง  = ME ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝ

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